printable step aerobics combos
(Scroll down to get example combo)
For Step- Lovers and Instructors:
Use any 32count music at your preferred tempo (I like ~130bpm).
Creatively mix combos from different routines.
Avoid desperate note-taking while watching step videos (these ARE the notes).
Use at home or in the gym, alone or with friends.
For Instructors:
Save time by not having to memorize.
Keep classes engaged with optional levels of complexity.
How to Read Printable Step Aerobics Combos
I am so excited about this system, and I truly hope it serves you.
Printable Step Aerobics Combos represent a completely unique method of depicting Step Aerobics choreography.
If you’re just getting started with them, understanding the system can take a while. Because it’s new and different, it will help to watch the short video below.
Before watching the video, print or look at Combo How to Read as a reference. In Combo How to Read, the numbers don't refer to any specific step aerobics moves; they're only a method for showing the logic.
If you’re thinking that learning this system looks like more work than CREATING your own choreography, MEMORIZING it, PRACTICING it, and having the the occasional whoops-I-forgot-what-comes-next occurrence, you may be right…at first.
Learning something new always takes extra effort, but the payout is it will ULTIMATELY BE EASIER.
Hang in there with looking at the combos. It WILL get easier, with less required from you. Less creating. Less memorizing (actually NO memorizing). Less practicing. And fewer whoops-I-forgot-what-comes-next occurrences.
You’re on your way to making it easier to be an awesome step aerobics instructor (or doer)!
“I love how you vary your class! With some classes, it’s like: oatmeal for breakfast?...again? ”